Grieving the loss of a pet: self-aware care
The magnificent Karma is in peace ... she is now wild and free.
Do you know how it feels to be strong yet still fluid and expanding? Such yogic postures as tadasana (mountain pose) allow us to explore these sensations through embodiment.
This week, I needed this guidance more than other days. I held space as my companion of 17 years was released from her pain. I now begin my journey of release.
How can I be a strong parent for my child whilst my body and mind begin to explore how this grief will impact me?
How will I be able to remain light and flow through the moments with a heavy heart?
I don’t know how, but I know where to begin.
I can write to express my love and honor for having co-existed with such a gentle being for so many years.
I will move so that this heaviness can come and go ... for however long it needs to without getting stuck in my body as stagnant energy.
And I will breathe—deep, full, expanding breaths—to honor her purrs, meows, and teachings and allow myself more space to heal.
You were one and only, sweet Karm. I feel you in my core.
If you should need extra support, check here for additional resources:
ASPCA National Pet Loss Helpline, 1-877-474-3310. Free nationwide consultation to bereaved animal owners on a 24-hour basis. (If your call is answered with a recording, please speak clearly, leave your own name and telephone number, and your call will be returned as soon as possible.)