Wrists and ankles workshop

Here’s some takeaways from last week’s workshop…

1. Knowing your Anatomy can deepen your awareness and your practice. Be prepared for doctors visits and planning your wellness by taking some time to look at the area that hurts on an anatomical level for a more informed discussion with providers .
2. Slow and simple movements can lead to long-lasting and life changing shifts!
​3. Injury to an area can cause a brain-body disconnect… Using Movement and Massage we can help our parts reconnect, restore, and rehabilitate.
4. Chronic tightness leads to imbalance!
5. When in doubt… Breathe it out...or move about!

A few Movements reminders
“Yippee Toes”
Infinity wrists
​Finger assisted forearm stretch

Blog Bonus: sit in a chair , place a towel on the floor. With your toes, grab the towel and scrunch the towel towards the base of the chair. Doing this helps activate the smaller muscles of the foot to help support arch and foot stability !

Reach out if you have any questions or would like to schedule a one on one Integrative Wellness Therapy appointment : tania@myintegrativewellness.com

More IWM 3M* workshops to come!


Wishing you a Wellness, Gentleness and Ease


Morning meditation practice


Pop-up workshop! Wrists & ankles on April 29, 2018